Practical tips for networking at events for marketers.

Networking as a social media marketer has changed a lot since 2020 - a lot more of it happens digitally. Who knew just how easy it would be for so many digital marketers to connect, collaborate and find communities, all from the comfort of home? 

Was digital networking easier for marketers? Possibly - after all, we were familiar with the tools and comfortable using screens. But as colleagues across the world adjusted to Zoom meetings, many of us marketers took the digital networking opportunities in our stride and embraced the opportunity. 

But as we adjust to life after a global pandemic, are we passing over face-to-face networking opportunities? Is the travel, the time away from our desks and everything else that networking in person involves hard to justify? Because we’re busy, right? All of us are very, very busy… because in 2022 so much business focus is on marketing!

Our colleagues over at Digital Women love networking, and Founder Lucy Hall is the first to encourage us to embrace all opportunities, digital and offline. “Networking is probably the very best thing you can do for you or your business, as a founder, as a freelancer and as a colleague. You never know who you will meet, or where a conversation might lead. And if you’re open and prepared with a few words about yourself and what you do, you may be surprised how much you enjoy it!”

Is networking really such hard work, or are we just out of practice? And if you took your first social media or digital marketing job during the lockdown, it’s possible that you haven’t attended any in-person events yet. Truth is, networking is easy when you pick the right event. 

So, let’s take the work out of networking and give you the low-down on why going to SocialDay is a good choice if this is your first time networking or the first time in a while. And the unexpected benefits of rocking up to an event on your own.


SocialDay 2022 is a great event to attend, right? You know it. That’s why you bought your ticket…Because you want to listen to some of social media’s brightest minds share their wisdom, hear how some of the UK’s most innovative brands use social media for business and to inspire your own marketing.

Or maybe because you’re in your first social media role; you’re enjoying it but you are being left to your own devices at work so you want to use SocialDay 2022 to celebrate your work and really understand why social media is such a rewarding, exciting area to specialise in..

Whatever you had in mind when you purchased your ticket, the opportunities for networking might not be high on your list. And you may be so focused on learning that you’re thinking more about the content than the people. Seriously though, the best networking can happen when we’re focused on other things, so that’s our top reason to dive into networking with other digital marketing professionals at SocialDay - you will find like-minded people and we guarantee you will make at least one truly brilliant connection.


Bring yourself and celebrate that you are enough, you don’t need to bring a friend, a colleague or your boss. Just bring yourself. Sure, networking with friends can be really good fun - but the best fun often happens when you rock up and find a familiar face unexpectedly, or when a chance conversation uncovers layers and layers of common ground or connections. 

If you turn up to an event with a friend, you’re more likely to retreat and catch-up, and while that might be lovely and you may think it is a really good use of your time… just think about all the opportunities you might have missed when you were standing at the edge looking on.

We’ll say it again: you will make friends at SocialDay 2022, and you will be far more motivated to find them if you attend alone.


You will finish the day having learned so much really valuable information at SocialDay,  we guarantee it. We know from the conversations we have every year with marketers who attended SocialDay that you will be brimming over with positivity, good ideas and inspiration when you leave.

We know from experience that some of the best conversations happen at the break out areas or towards the end of the day, and this energy makes for really good conversations. And outstanding networking!


When you network on your own you are laser focused, open to connections, and you can step away and take a breather when you need to. You can make the most of your time while you’re there since you make all the decisions.

And once you’ve had a couple of initial conversations, use them to your advantage - remember the job or skill of who you are talking to, and introduce them to the next person you meet. And just like networking online, if your objective is to give more than to take, you will have a much more enjoyable time at SocialDay.

And make sure to mention what you do and why you’re there. It’s really hard to get a lot out of an event if you don’t have a goal/reason for being there, so set your goals or intentions before you arrive. We think the journey to an event is a good time to do this as it stops you being preoccupied a few days before the event.


Try to make other connections online first too if you can. Don’t be afraid to send a connection request and add a note saying you noticed they’re also attending the event and would like to add them to your network. And remember to make many mental notes or voice memos so you can send LinkedIn requests later.

Do a (little) bit of homework and get to know the speakers, and their topics and take a drive around before the big day. Get used to hearing the words when you tell someone your name and what you do - practice with friends or a colleague and get used to hearing your voice.

After the event - don’t delay! Take notes about the people you met and follow up connections within a day or two when SocialDay will still be at the top of our minds.


Our final reason to attend SocialDay is a good one! Remember - we are all in it together. Most people will also be bringing themselves and many of you will not have friends or colleagues in the room, either. But we will all be here for the same thing, and trust us when we say that it makes for the most uplifting atmosphere and a truly outstanding event.

f someone asks you what you do or why you are attending SocialDay, have an answer ready, the practice saves you umming and pausing too long before you reply. Have a question ready as well, not only is it a good way of keeping the conversation going, it takes the heat off of answering any more questions about you!

Trust us. We’ve done a lot of networking and attended a lot of marketing events and meet-ups. We’ve taken from our very best experiences and given a lot of thought to what we want ourselves from a social media event to make sure we deliver a brilliant, rewarding and engaging experience. Not been to SocialDay before? Join us - we’re sure you will love it!


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