7 Ways You Can Use Clubhouse for Business

So, now we’ve all had some time to wrap our heads around Clubhouse and how to use it (if you haven’t got there yet, make sure to check out our articles on what Clubhouse is and how to get started), it’s time to address the great big marketing elephant in the room: how we can use Clubhouse for business. Other than the obvious advantages of getting in there early with social media’s latest buzz platform, like being among the first to seize new opportunities and reaping the potential benefits of rapid audience growth and new monetisation features, there are also many features of the platform that can be harnessed for business now. To get you started, we’ve put together 7 ways you could use Clubhouse for your business.

1. Host scheduled events and discussions

Although Clubhouse isn’t a specific events platform, the opportunities it presents for hosting scheduled events and discussions are huge. The real-time nature of the app makes it ideal for scheduled events (in a similar way to features like Instagram Live have transformed Instagram for business), particularly if you’re looking to host events on a regular basis. For example, SocialDay launched its weekly social media round-up on Clubhouse, scheduled for each Friday at 11am, to great success and engagement from our existing and new communities.
Other than for hosting the events themselves, Clubhouse presents even more opportunities for businesses in the events space. The app’s ‘rooms’ could be ideal for breakaway discussions (which can get a bit tedious and difficult to manage on platforms like Zoom), as they allow for less formal conversations between a diverse group of people, but still in a structured and controllable way. Clubhouse could also be used for gathering post-event feedback from attendees (see point 6), networking during and after events and building communities around events to create hype and engagement.

2. Conduct interviews

Conducting interviews with interesting and relevant people in your industry is a great way for you as a business to provide real value for your audience. Sometimes, though, interviews can fall into the trap of becoming quite formal and transactional, even coming across as scripted or staged. Clubhouse offers a great opportunity to break away from this, as it allows members of the audience to ask their questions directly to your interviewee, while still allowing you to maintain control over the interview. Its lack of recording functionality, and relative lack of pressure because of it, may also allow your interview to flow more naturally and encourage your interviewee to feel more relaxed, conversational and open, in turn providing greater value for your audience.

3. Build your personal brand

Like every social media platform, Clubhouse offers the opportunity to build your personal brand. You can do this by optimising your profile to let potential customers know what you can offer, connecting and networking with potential customers and other experts in your industry and offering up your expertise. Of course, demonstrating your knowledge in discussions on Clubhouse is a great way to get your name out there in the industry and raise your profile as a thought leader. 

For help on how to get started with building your personal brand and optimising your profile on Clubhouse, check out our latest Clubhouse guide.

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4. Move into the creator space

Whether you’re looking to build your presence as a creator yourself or to connect and build professional relationships between your business and other creators, Clubhouse is full of opportunities and upcoming potential on the creator front. As the app stands right now, there are already plenty of creators using the platform to build their communities and tap into niches that may suit the needs and customer base of your business. Thanks to the ability to link your Twitter and Instagram accounts to your profile, you can also use Clubhouse to direct potential customers and creators that you may want to work with to your other platforms that allow you to reach your desired outcome (i.e. solidifying a creator collaboration, increasing sales, driving traffic to your website, etc.).

There’s also some really exciting potential opportunities on Clubhouse. The platform has already announced its plans for new monetisation opportunities for creators on its app - namely through ticketing events, subscriptions and tipping features. It’s also launching a Creator Grant Program to encourage and financially support up-and-coming creators on its platform. We’re set to see and hear more about its upcoming e-commerce plans in the coming months, so keep an eye on SocialDay’s weekly news round-up for any updates.

5. Build your community on multiple platforms

We all know the importance of businesses meeting their potential customers and existing community on the platforms they are using and building strategies with them in mind. As the next big thing in the social media world, Clubhouse may be the next big place you need to be focusing on. Getting in early, building your personal brand and optimising your profile ensures that your community can find you and gives you a headstart in growing your presence on Clubhouse.

Even if your existing customers aren’t quite making the jump to Clubhouse just yet, it’s worth exploring the app to see where your business fits in and whether its an ideal place for you to find new customers to expand your cross-platform community. Plus, Clubhouse allows you to drive its users to other social media platforms, particularly your Twitter and Instagram accounts, which you can link to your Clubhouse profile. This means that people can not only follow you and your personal brand, but also find out more about your business and migrate to other platforms, expanding your networking and potentially increasing your following and engagement across multiple platforms too.

6. Organise market research and focus groups

If market research and focus groups are something you use, or want to start using, in your business then Clubhouse could be a great place to get started. ‘Rooms’ on the platform allow you to listen to and speak directly to potential customers about what their demands, their needs and their opinions are. This could be great if, for example, you’re planning on launching a new campaign, deciding on what new content to post or looking for feedback on an event or initiative. As we’ve already highlighted, if there’s one thing Clubhouse is great for, it’s fostering open and relaxed conversations between a diverse range of people.


7. Engage with others in your niche, including your ideal clients

The community-based nature of Clubhouse makes it ideal for engaging with others around particular niches, and that includes your ideal clients. You can find and filter rooms by topic, so it’s easy to find communities of potential customers with similar interests and demands that your business might be able to meet. Attend their rooms, show your support and demonstrate your interest and expertise within that niche before eventually trying to take the conversations onto more private or professional platforms like LinkedIn.

How have you been using Clubhouse?

If you’ve already dipped your toes into using Clubhouse for business, let us know how you’ve been finding it and share any tips you’ve learnt in SocialDay’s Social Media Marketing Community Facebook group.


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