Building Genuine Engagement: Lessons from Social Media pro’s

Social media today is not just a platform for broadcasting messages; it’s a space for authentic interactions and real connections. At SocialDay, a panel featuring Alvin Gunpath, Social Media Lead at Thredd, and Xandrina Allday, Social Media Manager at LabX Media Group, hosted by Fab Giovenetti offered valuable insights into how brands can navigate the complexities of content creation, community engagement, and maintaining authenticity.

The Power of Feedback Loops

A key strategy discussed during the panel was the importance of feedback loops. Rather than merely gathering data, feedback loops create an ongoing conversation with your audience. Xandrina Allday highlighted how this approach has been integral to her work. “Feedback loops allow us to stay in tune with what our audience actually wants,” she explained. “Whether it’s through polls, Q&As, or direct engagement, it’s about shaping your content strategy based on real input from your community.”

This strategy isn’t just about listening; it’s about being responsive and adapting your content in real-time. For social media managers, integrating feedback loops into regular practice can transform content from being a one-way street to a dialogue, creating deeper connections and trust with the audience.

From Broadcasting to Conversation

Alvin Gunpath shared his insights from years of experience working with major brands, stressing the shift needed from a traditional broadcasting model to a more interactive and conversational approach on social media.

“Social media originally thrived on conversations, but over time, many brands have moved away from that,” Alvin remarked. “It’s time to bring that back. Brands need to engage in genuine two-way conversations with their audience rather than just pushing out content.”

Alvin provided practical advice for fostering these conversations, such as consistently responding to comments, initiating open-ended discussions, and crafting content that invites interaction. His approach emphasises the need for curiosity and a genuine desire to connect, which are essential for building meaningful relationships on social platforms.

Authenticity Through Behind-the-Scenes Content

Both panellists underscored the value of behind-the-scenes content in showcasing a brand’s authenticity. However, they warned against staging or over-curating this type of content. “Audiences can tell when something is too polished,” Alvin noted. “They’re looking for the real story behind your brand—the people, the process, and the day-to-day operations.”

Xandrina shared her approach at LabX Media Group, where behind-the-scenes content has become a staple. “We’ve begun to share more about our team and what happens behind the scenes, particularly during events and trade shows,” she explained. “It’s essential to have everyone’s consent and make sure they’re comfortable with being part of the content. When done right, it can significantly humanise your brand.”

This kind of content, when aligned with a brand’s overall strategy, can resonate deeply with audiences, building trust and a sense of community.

Anticipating Changes in Social Media Platforms

Looking forward, both Alvin and Xandrina touched on the evolving landscape of social media platforms. They pointed to the growing significance of TikTok and LinkedIn as spaces where brands can no longer afford to remain passive.

“TikTok’s creative search insights are incredibly valuable for understanding trends and audience interests,” Alvin said. “Even if your brand isn’t on TikTok yet, these insights can still inform your strategies on other platforms.”

Xandrina discussed the shifts happening on LinkedIn, noting its transformation from a professional networking site to a vibrant platform for personal branding and thought leadership. “LinkedIn is evolving rapidly,” she observed. “With features like video feeds and the rise of employee advocacy, brands need to rethink how they approach this platform.”


The panel’s insights make it clear that succeeding in social media today requires more than just a presence; it demands genuine engagement, strategic use of feedback, and a commitment to authenticity. As social media platforms continue to evolve, brands that adapt and remain true to these principles will find themselves better positioned to connect with their audiences and build lasting relationships.

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