How to Keep Up with Gen Z Trends: A Guide for Non-Gen Z Marketers

If you’ve ever felt bewildered by the latest TikTok trend or found yourself wondering why certain phrases or behaviours are suddenly everywhere, you’re not alone. As a non-Gen Z marketer, keeping up with trends that resonate with this younger audience can be challenging, yet it’s essential for staying relevant.

Understanding Gen Z’s Unique Cultural Landscape

Gen Z’s cultural landscape is fast-moving, deeply ironic, and often characterised by a blend of humour, social awareness, and niche references. Unlike previous generations, who might have followed trends for months or years, Gen Z trends can flare up and burn out in a matter of days.

Take the “Very Demure, Very Mindful” trend on TikTok as an example. It’s a playful take on the concept of being modest and composed, originally sparked by TikTok user Jools Lebron. Her humorous advice on how to appear “demure and mindful” in the workplace quickly resonated with Gen Z, not because they take the advice seriously, but because they appreciate the ironic and exaggerated tone.

For those outside of Gen Z, this trend might seem baffling at first. But for social media marketers, understanding the context and the humour behind it is crucial. Gen Z appreciates content that is self-aware, authentic, and doesn’t take itself too seriously.

Why Authenticity Matters More Than Ever

Gen Z has an acute sense for inauthenticity. They’ve grown up in a world saturated with advertisements and branded content, and they can quickly spot when a brand is trying too hard to be cool or relatable. This generation values honesty and transparency, and they are quick to call out brands that appear to be jumping on a trend just for the sake of it.

This is where many non-Gen Z marketers can stumble. It’s tempting to latch onto every new trend in an effort to stay relevant, but this can backfire if not done thoughtfully. For example, when the National Trust posted about “Brat Summer” but with a twist—opting to stay inside and eat scones—it initially seemed out of character. However, the response was overwhelmingly positive because the brand managed to tap into the trend while staying true to its identity, and in doing so, it opened up to a younger audience in a way that felt authentic.

How to Stay Informed and Engaged

  1. Immerse Yourself in the Platforms: Spend time on TikTok, Instagram, and other platforms where Gen Z is most active. Follow creators who are driving trends and observe how they engage with their audiences. This will help you understand the tone and style that resonate with Gen Z.

  2. Hire Younger Voices: If possible, bring younger team members on board or collaborate with Gen Z influencers. They can provide insights into emerging trends and help your brand engage with this audience in a way that feels natural and genuine.

  3. Use Trend-Tracking Tools: There are various tools available that can help you monitor social media trends in real-time. Tools like TrendTok or even native platform analytics can give you a sense of what’s gaining traction and what’s fading away.

  4. Don’t Force It: If a trend feels too far removed from your brand’s core identity, or if you don’t fully understand its nuances, it’s probably best to steer clear. Forced attempts at trend participation can come off as cringeworthy or out of touch, doing more harm than good.

When It’s Best to Avoid a Trend

Sometimes, the best approach is to avoid jumping on a trend altogether. If a trend feels too far removed from your brand’s core identity, or if you don’t fully understand its nuances, it’s probably best to steer clear. Forced attempts at trend participation can come off as out of touch or even cringeworthy, doing more harm than good.

That said, there are exceptions where even the most unexpected brands can find success. For instance, the National Trust’s engagement with “Brat Summer,” albeit unconventional for the brand, managed to attract a younger audience without losing its core identity. The lesson here is to gauge the potential impact and audience reaction before diving in.

Keeping up with Gen Z trends as a non-Gen Z marketer isn’t about mimicking every viral moment. It’s about understanding the cultural context, staying true to your brand, and knowing when to engage—and when to step back. By being thoughtful, authentic, and strategic, you can connect with Gen Z in meaningful ways that resonate and endure beyond fleeting trends.

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