Social Media Weekend News Roundup 18.02.19
In the know… All the social media news from the weekend:
🦉Facebook labelled 'digital gangsters' by report on fake news
🦉Twitter can keep copies of your deleted DMs for years
🦉These are the 10 most viewed YouTube videos of all time
🦉How marketers are switching up their careers with sabbaticals and secondments
Facebook labelled 'digital gangsters' by report on fake news
Facebook deliberately broke privacy and competition law and should urgently be subject to statutory regulation, according to a devastating parliamentary report denouncing the company and its executives as “digital gangsters”.
Twitter can keep copies of your deleted DMs for years
Twitter might still have copies of your DMs saved in its system even if it's been years since you deactivated your account. Security researcher Karan Saini told TechCrunch that he found years-old messages in an archive of his Twitter data -- which you can request from Twitter itself under the Settings menu -- even if they were from accounts that had been deleted or suspended.
These are the 10 most viewed YouTube videos of all time
YouTube is closing in on its decade and a half birthday and what better way to celebrate the streaming site’s awkward teenage years than by taking a look back at the most viewed YouTube videos of all time?
How marketers are switching up their careers with sabbaticals and secondments
With the UK’s national retirement age rising to 67 by 2028, it is widely accepted that people will have multiple careers during their working lives, likely to be over 40 years long.