How to write an award-winning submission for #SMMA19

The countdown is on and with only three weeks to go until the entries close for our 2019 awards, here are our top tips for writing an award-winning submission. 

Tip 1: Take your time 

I know this one is a given, but with only three weeks left to submit your entry, you may be feeling a little rushed to get it in on time. However, to submit your best work, take your time with it. 

Start with reading the submission requirements and spend a few days gathering evidence then set aside time in your diary to prioritise writing and perfecting your submission. 

When rushing, you may also forget to include key points. Walk away and come back another time with a fresh set of eyes. This may give you a different perspective on your submission, which could lead to improvements on your original copy. 

Tip 2: Tell us a story 

Start at the beginning and work your way through to the end - It’s that simple. 

We want to know all the details from where the initial idea came from, or the brief to the brainstorming, execution, and finally the award-winning results. 

By telling a detailed story, you’re leading us through your journey to success which is exactly what we admire and want to see in your entries.  

Tip 3: What were your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? 

Challenges within a brief or campaign make them fun and exciting. They ignite our minds and gives them the spark we need to be creative and problem-solve to overcome the challenges. 

These obstacles you defeat build an interesting story and make the success even more rewarding. 

Beckii Flint

Tip 4: Provide as much evidence and proof as possible 

Once your story is complete, we need to see the evidence. Send us as many stats, facts and figures as possible to showcase your success. 

How did the audience react? Were they engaged? Send us your screen grabs, reports or even testimonials if you have some. 

If you’re a personal brand, send us your best work, your speeches and how you’ve helped your community. 

If you’re a video creator, we want to see your reach, engagement and what impact you’ve made.
You get the gist. 

Tip 5: Tell us how you or your campaign hit the brief

When thinking of what to send us, think of your most unique, captivating piece of work which fulfilled the brief and beyond. 

What have you done that no one has done before? 

Two of our judges have told us what they would like to see from this year's submissions. Use these as reference points when writing your entry.

Beckii Flint Quote (1).png

Tip 6: Proof-read, then ask a friend to proof-read too 

Have a colleague proof and sense check your submission before sending it off, or use a tool such as 

A poorly written submission may not convey the message you want it too. Read it out loud and slowly, this will help test for readability and chances are, if you find it hard to read, so will our judges. 

We wish you the best of luck with your submission. If you have any questions contact us on 


Social Media Daily News Roundup 9.08.19


Social Media Daily News Roundup 07.08.19