Social Media Weekly News Roundup 23.10.20

The SocialDay Weekly Newsletter

Happy Friday SocialDayers! We hope you’ve had a great week.

It’s just one week until Halloween, which means Black Friday and Christmas (yep, we said it) are just round the corner! Make sure to keep an eye out for our special articles over the festive season - our Halloween special will be featured on next week.

As usual, here’s your weekly fill of all the top social media news and updates you need to know.

Social Media Weekly Round-Up

Snapchat will premiere its first original series shot on Spectacles this weekend

Snapchat has announced that its first original series shot on Spectacles, its wearable camera-integrated glasses, will premiere this Saturday 24th October on the platform. The new series, called ‘First Person’, is shot by ‘wearable journalist’ and climate activist Yusuf Omar and will capture ‘the perspectives of young innovators fighting for our planet.’

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Instagram cracks down on influencers not disclosing paid partnerships

An investigation by the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) into how influencers label their content on Instagram has resulted in the platform toughening its approach towards undisclosed paid partnerships. Instagram will be expanding its paid partnerships tool, which allows influencers and creators to disclose their paid relationships with the brands they advertise. The site will also be introducing technology that identifies when a post has not been appropriately labelled.

Trump’s Twitter account allegedly hacked after security researcher guesses password ‘maga2020!’

A dutchsecurity researcher is claiming to have hacked US President Donald Trump’s Twitter account after guessing the password ‘maga2020!’. Despite Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant reporting to have had screenshots of the hacking shared with them, as well as Dutch security experts finding the hacker’s claims credible, both Twitter and the White House have since disputed the claims, saying they have no evidence to corroborate it. 

Facebook launches dating site in the UK and Europe

From 28th October, Facebook’s new dating site will become available to its users across the UK and Europe. The new feature will allow users to explore romantic matches with users who are interested in the same events and groups as them, as well as virtually date mutual matches via a video chat feature called Virtual Dates. Despite previous data and security concerns by the Data Protection Commission (DPC), Facebook has said that it’s building its dating platform ‘with safety, security and privacy at the forefront.’

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TikTok rolls out new content removals system

After being criticised by creators for a lack of clarity around its content removals, TikTok has announced a notification system which will be rolled out to users globally. With the new system, creators will be notified via the TikTok app when a video has been removed over content violations, including the date of the post, the specific policy it is deemed to violate, and a link to the platform’s community guidelines.

Facebook adds new features to WhatsApp for Business, including new charges

WhatsApp has announced three new features for businesses using the platform. The first is a shopping feature which will allow users to make purchases directly from WhatsApp chats. The second feature is new Facebook Hosting services: WhatsApp plans to expand its partnerships with Facebook’s business solution providers to offer more options and features to businesses on the platform. The final addition announced by WhatsApp is the inclusion of charges to businesses for some of the services it offers, which will be grouped into pricing tiers.

SocialDay Content

This week, we served up some expert tips from Luan Wise’s SocialDay session on How to Keep Up with Social Media News and Trends.

Following the success of our “What Type of Social Media Marketer Are You?” quiz last month, we’ve also this week produced a report on its findings, delving deeper into the habits of social media marketers.

Keep an eye out next week to find out why marketers need a growth mindset, read our Halloween special, and more.

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Tell us your thoughts...

Will you be trying out the new Facebook Dating platform? How do you like to keep up with social media news and trends? Let us know on social media!

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> Facebook page: Social Day, or join our Facebook group: Social Media Marketing Community - SocialDay


Social Media Weekly Roundup 06.11.20


Social Media Weekly News Roundup 16.10.20