Content Cal return to sponsor SocialDay

We are delighted to announce that ContentCal is back to sponsor SocialDay(the number 1 Social Media Marketing event in the UK), this is a tool that we at Socialday use for our own marketing, we honestly do! ContentCal will be hosting the "agency growth" session at this years event, we will be announcing the full list of panellists shortly, if you want to know how to scale up your agency then this is the workshop for you!

ContentCal is a simple and intuitive way to manage social media content, removing the need for the numerous painful Google Docs, Spreadsheets and Emails – allowing teams to maximise efficiency by planning, approving and publishing content in a familiar and intuitive calendar interface. New for 2018 they have also introduced analytics to help with tracking progress and those tricky client reports.

What do Users of ContentCal say:

“For me, the planning side is what makes ContentCal different. Ideas can now be stored in the backlog, upcoming events and drafts can be added as placeholders in the calendar and mapped alongside our campaigns.“  Beckie Coupe

“I started planning our week's social media every Monday morning, which reduced my workload massively. ContentCal is easy to use so took no time to get to grips with. The whole team could then chip in easily, creating ideas together, and all being able to see the week ahead" Gravity Force

"Streamlining content creation, team communication, sign off and publishing in one tool has been a game changer for the team at Molly Moodle Media. Feedback is easily tracked using comments and edits can be made quickly within the calendar. The drag and drop feature makes it easy to move posts around the calendar to optimise posting times. Whilst managing every client calendar from within one app has removed a lot of the stress and admin from managing social media for multiple clients" Molly Moodle Media

To grab your place on the agency growth workshop at SocialDay book a ticket today: here

You can find out more about ContentCal website here: they have a few different options for all sizes of social media account management


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