Q&A with Amrit Singh - Livestream community
We had the privilege of chatting with Amrit Singh who has made a name for himself as one of the most watched Livestreamers on periscope, with his artistic talent it's understandable. Amrit tells us how he got started and gives us an insight into how he has built an engaged community, His Periscope broadcasts have reached over 2.5 million viewers worldwide and have been featured multiple times by Periscope, Twitter, Mashable, Huffington Post, Adweek, International Business Times and Sky News. Periscope, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube:
Amrit has worked with many blue chip companies around the world to deliver first class design, branding and social media solutions. Amrit is one of the top creative broadcasters on Periscope and is known for live streaming his art, travels and humanitarian work.
You can see Amrit in London on the 16th June, clickΒ here to book tickets
For now though get comfortable and enjoy the interview