How Annie-Mai Hodge Built a Thriving Online Community Without a Degree

At SocialDay, we had the pleasure of chatting with Annie-Mai Hodge, the founder of Girl Power Marketing. With over 250,000 followers and counting, she’s created an incredible online community—without following the traditional path of a degree. Here’s a closer look at her journey, the challenges she’s overcome, and her top tips for anyone looking to carve out their own space online.

From Uncertain Beginnings to Social Media Success

Annie-Mai’s journey into the world of social media was far from straightforward. Originally, she imagined herself in a career in politics or perhaps working for the United Nations. University was always the plan, but life had other ideas. Struggling with her mental health and battling anorexia, Annie-Mai found herself at a crossroads. When she was told there was a six-month wait for a hospital bed but that she might not make it that long, it was a stark wake-up call. Instead of giving in, she focused on surviving and staying out of hospital.

After spending a couple of years recovering, her mum gave her the push she needed to find work, leading to an admin role at a digital marketing agency. It wasn’t a glamorous start, but it was there that she discovered a passion for social media. During the lockdown, with the world on pause and feelings of loneliness creeping in, she decided to start Girl Power Marketing. Her goal? To prove that you don’t need a degree to create your own path in the digital world.

The Impact of Building a Community

One of the most memorable moments in Annie-Mai’s career came early on when her second client was someone working at the United Nations. It was a powerful moment for her, a reminder that even though she didn’t end up in the UN herself, she was still making a difference in the world in her own way.

Annie-Mai didn’t set out to build a community—it just happened naturally. But as her following grew, she realised the real impact she was having. People started reaching out, telling her how her advice and content had helped them secure new jobs or advance in their careers. It wasn’t just about the numbers; it was about making a tangible difference in people’s lives.

A big part of her success has been her use of humour, particularly through memes. But Annie-Mai is quick to point out that memes aren’t just about getting a laugh. They’re a way to connect with people on a deeper level, showing them that they’re not alone in their struggles. When done right, humour can be both educational and inspiring, helping to build trust and a sense of community.

How to Build Your Own Community

Annie-Mai’s advice for building a community is straightforward: listen to your followers. Whether you have 10 followers or 100,000, their feedback is invaluable. Responding to comments, engaging in conversations, and showing that you genuinely care is crucial. Social media, as she puts it, is about being social, and that means interacting with the people who take the time to engage with your content.

One of the strategies she uses is something she calls “ERIC”—Educate, Relate, and Communicate. This approach ensures that her content isn’t just about gaining followers but about creating meaningful connections. It’s not enough to just post and forget; you need to be intentional with what you share and how you interact with your audience.

Annie-Mai also touched on the importance of showing your face. It wasn’t something she was comfortable with at first—she describes herself as a bit of an introvert—but she realised that people connect with people, not just brands. When she started sharing more of herself, her story, and her experiences, her community began to grow even faster. People want to know who’s behind the content, and sharing your journey can make a big difference.

Looking to the Future

So, what’s next for social media? Annie-Mai believes that in an age where AI is becoming more prevalent, the human touch will become even more important. While AI can produce content, it lacks the authenticity and emotional connection that comes from human interaction. People are looking for real, genuine connections, and that’s something only humans can provide.

As for Girl Power Marketing, Annie-Mai has big plans. She’s working on creating an educational hub filled with free courses from various experts. Her vision is to provide a platform where people, especially women, can learn the skills they need to succeed in the digital world—without the barriers that often come with traditional education. She’s also exploring the idea of building a more interactive community space, where members can support each other and grow together.


Annie-Mai Hodge’s story is a testament to the fact that there’s no one-size-fits-all path to success. It’s about being authentic, engaging with your community, and staying true to yourself. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your existing community, her journey offers valuable lessons: listen, engage, and always keep it real. If you take anything away from her story, it’s that the power of community lies in the connections we make and the impact we have on each other’s lives.


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