From Social Media Manager to CEO: Melissa Chapman’s Leadership Path at Jungle Creations

At SocialDay, we had the pleasure of hosting a lively and insightful Q&A session with Melissa Chapman, the CEO of Jungle Creations, moderated by Jessica Williams Chadwick. Melissa took us on a journey through her unexpected rise to the top of one of the most innovative social media companies, shared the secrets behind some of Jungle Creations' biggest successes, and offered a glimpse into the future of social media. Here’s what she had to say.

From the Ground Up: Melissa’s Journey at Jungle Creations

Imagine this: You’re fresh out of university, having just switched from a law degree to a completely different path, and you land a job at a fledgling company. Fast forward a few years, and you’re the CEO of that very company, now a social media powerhouse. This is Melissa Chapman’s story.

Melissa didn’t start out in social media—far from it. She initially aimed to become a barrister but quickly realised that the legal world wasn’t where her passions lay. After taking some time off and working at Asda, she found herself drawn to journalism, right when digital media was beginning to take off. She joined Jungle Creations as their very first employee after responding to a job advert. What started as a small team experimenting with social content has since grown into a major force in the industry, with over 150 million followers across multiple platforms.

“I never planned on being here,” Melissa shared with a smile, “but once I got started, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

Building a Digital Empire: The Rise of Jungle Creations and The Wild

Jungle Creations made its name as a social publisher, creating some of the most popular digital channels around, like Twisted, which has become a go-to for food lovers. But Melissa and her team didn’t stop there. As the company grew, they expanded into branded content, working with major brands like PepsiCo to create campaigns that not only engaged audiences but went viral.

Recognising the potential to do even more, Jungle Creations launched The Wild three years ago—a social and influencer agency that helps brands build their own online communities and create content that truly resonates. Under Melissa’s leadership, The Wild has worked with big names like Red Bull, Disney, and Superdrug.

One campaign that really put them on the map was “Little Casanova” for Yoti, a facial recognition app. “It wasn’t the easiest sell,” Melissa recalled, “but we knew we could make it work.” And work it did—the campaign, which featured a 10-year-old boy pretending to be a 26-year-old on blind dates, became a viral sensation, racking up 40 million organic views and even winning a Cannes Lion. “It was a breakthrough moment for us,” she said, “and it showed what we’re capable of when we tell the right story.”

From Social Media Manager to CEO: Lessons in Leadership

Melissa’s rise at Jungle Creations is nothing short of impressive. In just eight years, she went from managing social media to leading the entire company. What’s her secret? “I’m competitive by nature,” she said. “I always want our channels to be the best, but it’s not just about winning—it’s about bringing everyone along with you.”

Leadership, for Melissa, isn’t just about being the best at what you do; it’s about empowering others to be their best. When asked what qualities have made her an effective leader, she didn’t hesitate: “Boldness. You can’t be afraid to make tough decisions or take risks, especially in an industry that changes as fast as ours.”

But boldness isn’t enough on its own. Melissa also credits her success to being resilient and adaptable, qualities that have helped her navigate the inevitable challenges that come with leading a digital company. From the sudden deletion of a key Facebook page to the everyday ups and downs of the industry, Melissa has always maintained a calm, forward-focused approach. “You can’t let setbacks define you,” she said. “It’s how you respond that matters.”

Advice for Aspiring Digital Leaders: Be Bold, Be Authentic

For those looking to rise in the digital space, Melissa’s advice is refreshingly down-to-earth: “Be yourself. Don’t try to fit into some mould of what you think a leader should be.” Melissa admits she doesn’t fit the stereotypical image of a CEO—she’s not one for 5am starts or motivational self-help books—but she’s found that staying true to herself has been one of her biggest strengths.

She also emphasised the importance of being proactive. “When there’s a problem, bring solutions, not just issues. It’s a great way to build trust and autonomy within your team.” This approach, she believes, not only sets you apart but also helps you grow as a leader.

What’s Next? Melissa’s Take on the Future of Social Media

As someone deeply embedded in the social media industry, Melissa is keenly aware of how quickly things change. “The only constant is change,” she said. “What works today might not work tomorrow, so you have to be ready to adapt.” But amidst all this change, a few things remain constant—like the power of a good story and the importance of community.

One trend Melissa is particularly excited about is the growing role of AI in content creation. “I know, I know—AI is a buzzword, and it makes me cringe a bit too,” she laughed, “but the possibilities are genuinely exciting.” She shared an example of a tool they’re using at Jungle Creations that can replicate a journalist’s voice to produce news videos in multiple languages. “It’s not about replacing people,” she explained. “It’s about doing more with the resources you have.”

Another key point Melissa made was the importance of community building. It’s not just about amassing followers; it’s about what you can do with that following. For Jungle Creations, success has meant turning online engagement into real-world results, whether that’s launching Twisted restaurants across the UK or introducing products in supermarkets like Iceland. “If you can take people from URL to IRL, you’re doing something right,” she said.

Diversification: The Key to Survival and Success

One of the biggest lessons Melissa has learned is the importance of diversification. “At one point, 90% of our revenue came from Facebook,” she shared. “That’s a lot of sleepless nights.” This experience taught her the value of spreading risk across different platforms, revenue streams, and content formats. By diversifying, Jungle Creations has built a more resilient business, ready to thrive no matter what changes come their way.

Leading with Vision and Adaptability

Melissa Chapman’s journey from social media manager to CEO of Jungle Creations offers valuable lessons for anyone in the digital industry. Her insights into leadership, adaptability, and the future of social media are a roadmap for success in a world where change is the only constant. Whether it’s the importance of being bold, the power of authentic leadership, or the growing role of AI and community, Melissa’s experiences offer inspiration and practical advice for anyone looking to make their mark in the digital world.

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