How to make the most Out of Niche Content

Niche content is often misunderstood as restrictive, but according to Jessica Massengo, Content and Distribution Lead at TheSoul Publishing, it holds significant potential for creating quality opportunities and building strong, engaged communities. Speaking at SocialDay, Jessica shared her insights on how to effectively leverage niche content, especially on short-form platforms like TikTok and Snapchat.

Defining Niche Content

Jessica explained that niche content isn’t about being stuck in one category or endlessly repeating the same material. Instead, it’s about creating highly specific and targeted content that connects deeply with a particular audience. "Niche content doesn't have to be synonymous with a dead end," she clarified, emphasising that understanding and serving a specific audience can lead to greater engagement and success.

Finding Your Niche

To effectively leverage niche content, the first step is identifying the right niche. Jessica suggested two approaches:

  1. Internal Analytics: Use the data available on social media platforms to uncover what content resonates most with your audience. Look for patterns in engagement and performance across different types of content to identify potential niches.

  2. External Trends: Pay attention to emerging trends and unmet needs in the broader market. By aligning your content with these trends, you can tap into existing appetites and create content that meets new demands.

Jessica shared a case study from TheSoul Publishing to illustrate this point. They noticed that episodes focused on filming and photography hacks performed significantly better—up to five times better—than other content on their Snapchat channel. Recognising this trend, they launched a new show called "The Influencer's Bible," specifically targeting audiences interested in creating their own content. This strategic shift not only captured a new audience but also took advantage of the growing trend of user-generated content across platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

Building and Nurturing a Community

Once a niche is established, the next step is to build a community around it. Jessica highlighted the importance of creating a sense of belonging through shared experiences. One effective way to do this is by publishing relatable content that speaks directly to the audience's interests.

Engagement is key in community building. Jessica recommended going live on platforms as a powerful tool for real-time interaction. If that’s not possible, she advised taking the time to respond to every comment. "Communities are all about relationships," she said, stressing that these relationships are built through consistent and meaningful engagement over time.

She drew an analogy using a story from Simon Sinek, comparing the effort to build a community to the small, consistent actions that make someone fall in love. Just like in relationships, every small act of commitment you show to your community strengthens the bond.

Keeping Niche Content Fresh

A common concern with niche content is the fear of it becoming repetitive or stale. To counter this, Jessica encouraged creators to think of their content as storytelling. "A good story never gets old," she remarked, suggesting that even within a narrow niche, there are always new angles and stories to tell.

Jessica also pointed out that once a strong community is established, inspiration can come from the community itself. By listening to and incorporating audience feedback and ideas, creators can keep their content relevant and engaging. She mentioned how user-generated content, like viral dances on TikTok, can sometimes become the new standard for trends, showing the power of community participation.

Tapping into Trends Without Losing Authenticity

Remaining relevant in social media often involves tapping into current trends. However, Jessica cautioned that this should be done in a way that stays true to the niche. She cited examples from TheSoul Publishing, where they plan content around seasonal events like Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, ensuring they remain part of broader conversations while staying within their niche.

Jessica also highlighted the importance of timing when tapping into trends, as some trends have a longer lifespan than others. She mentioned planning ahead for events like the Olympics or leveraging popular culture references, such as the recent Barbie movie, to stay relevant without straying from the niche.

Final Takeaways

Jessica wrapped up her session with a few key takeaways:

  • Niche content is not a limitation but an opportunity to deeply connect with a specific audience.

  • Building a strong community around niche content can lead to greater opportunities, from better engagement to higher conversion rates.

  • Staying relevant requires balancing trend participation with authenticity, ensuring that content remains true to its niche.

Jessica emphasised that, in 2024, "community is the new currency." By focusing on niche content and nurturing the communities around them, brands and creators can unlock significant potential in social media.

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