From Solo Act to Social Media Powerhouse: Ruth Lee’s Journey at Citypress

At SocialDay, Ruth Lee captivated a packed audience with the story of how she transformed Citypress’s social media offering from a fledgling experiment into a £2 million revenue-generating powerhouse. Ruth, with her sharp insights and no-nonsense approach, shared a journey marked by bold decisions, innovative thinking, and the kind of determination that turns challenges into triumphs.

Taking the Leap: Leaving Global Brands for a Blank Canvas

Leaving behind a successful career managing social media for global giants like Cornetto and Johnny Walker, Ruth took a gamble by joining Citypress—a PR agency steeped in tradition but lacking in social media prowess.

“On my first day, it was just me,” she recalls, a hint of humour in her voice. The agency’s previous attempts at social media were, in her words, “needed improvement.” Yet, where others might have seen a lost cause, Ruth saw potential. Today, Citypress’s social media team is 20-strong and contributes £2 million in annual revenue—a testament to what’s possible when vision meets execution.

Building a Business Case: The Foundation of Success

Ruth didn’t waste time making her mark. She knew that for social media to be taken seriously, it needed a solid business foundation. Her mission? To make Citypress as respected for its social media work as it was for PR.

To achieve this, Ruth introduced five key “bans” that became the cornerstone of the team’s strategy:

  1. No Free Work: “Working for free devalues what we do,” Ruth asserted. The only exceptions were strategic audits and inspiration sessions designed to lead to paid work.

  2. No Templated Pricing: Ruth rejected cookie-cutter pricing models, advocating instead for bespoke pricing that reflects the unique needs of each client.

  3. No Vague Scopes: “Clarity is key,” she emphasised, ensuring that both client and agency are aligned from the start.

  4. No Social Media as an Afterthought: Social media, Ruth insisted, must be integrated from the outset, not merely used to amplify existing campaigns.

  5. No Strategies Without Business Alignment: Every piece of content must drive towards clear business objectives. For Ruth, social media isn’t just about engagement metrics—it’s about delivering real results.

Assembling a Winning Team: Attracting and Retaining Talent

With the business strategy in place, Ruth focused on building a team capable of executing it. She sought a balance between generalists—who could handle a range of tasks—and specialists in areas like videography and paid media.

“Attitude is everything,” Ruth noted, particularly when hiring junior staff. For senior roles, she prioritised experience and the ability to mentor others, ensuring the team could grow and evolve.

Citypress also excels at retaining talent, offering benefits that go beyond the typical office perks. From industry-leading parental leave to flexible benefits that cater to individual needs, Citypress ensures its employees feel valued and supported—a key factor in their industry-leading retention rates.

Rigour and Strategy

Ruth was clear that creativity alone isn’t enough—rigour is equally crucial. She outlined the components of a robust social media strategy, from setting business-aligned objectives to defining content pillars and platform roles.

A highlight of her talk was how she described adapting traditional ads for social media. By stripping away anything that felt like an ad and tailoring the content to each platform, Ruth’s team consistently turned standard material into engaging social content.

Integrating Social Media

Ruth debunked the myth that social media is merely an amplification tool. She argued that social media should be treated as a discipline in its own right, with its own strategies and objectives. At Citypress, this means leveraging each channel’s unique attributes to create richer, more engaging content.

Sustaining Creativity in a Demanding Environment

The demand for fresh, creative ideas in social media never stops. Ruth’s advice? Foster an environment that encourages creativity. Whether through walk-and-talk meetings, pre-session briefs, or creating a safe space for idea-sharing, Ruth believes in giving her team the tools to keep the creative spark alive.

Ruth Lee’s presentation at SocialDay 2024 was a masterclass in building and scaling a social media team from the ground up. Her journey from a one-woman band to leading a 20-strong team at Citypress offers invaluable insights for anyone looking to make their mark in the social media world.

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