3 Myth-Busting Facts About TikTok for Business (2024)

Thinking of incorporating TikTok into your business’s digital strategy? Put off by talk of its ‘young audience’ or its ‘difficult’ style of content? Well, we’ve picked 3 myths we often hear in conversations around TikTok for (small) businesses, starting with that all-important audience question—and we’re busting them.

1. “TikTok is exclusively a young people’s platform”

An all-too-common misconception about TikTok is that it’s a platform exclusively “for young people.” While it’s true that TikTok has a significant Gen Z presence, it’s by no means limited to this demographic. In fact, 67% of TikTok users are over the age of 25, which highlights how diverse the user base really is. Moreover, 18% of global internet users between 16 and 64 use the platform. This means there’s a wide range of audiences waiting to engage with your business content.

As if that wasn’t enough, TikTok’s growth continues to surge, with millions of active users based in the UK. These numbers are only expected to climb further as TikTok solidifies its presence as a mainstream platform.

The best part? TikTok doesn’t pigeonhole its audience. The platform’s algorithm is designed to deliver content based on interests and behaviors rather than just age demographics. This opens the door for businesses across various sectors to tap into diverse and engaged audiences.

2. “The only content that does well on TikTok is funny and light-hearted content”

While it’s true that comedic and light-hearted content does well on TikTok, that’s only one piece of the puzzle. TikTok’s content ecosystem is vast and accommodates serious, educational, and promotional content just as well. The platform’s partnerships with educational organizations, e-commerce platforms, and insights providers have expanded the scope for businesses to create impactful content.

And here’s something to note: longer videos are now part of TikTok’s offering. With video lengths extending up to 10 minutes, brands have more room to dive deeper into topics, provide in-depth tutorials, or share engaging storytelling content. This flexibility means you can experiment with various content types to see what resonates best with your audience.

TikTok is also making strides in SEO. With improved search functionality and videos being indexed by Google, TikTok content is increasingly appearing in search results, further enhancing discoverability. This means businesses can benefit from both TikTok’s algorithm and traditional search engine visibility.

3. “It’s difficult for small businesses to build a following and make money on TikTok”

Good news—building a following and making money on TikTok is more accessible than ever. The platform’s SMB center offers resources to help small businesses start reaching new audiences, grow their following, and generate sales. You can find case studies, tips, and tools that showcase how businesses of all types have found success on TikTok.

One of the major advantages of TikTok is the potential for virality. The app’s algorithm prioritises content based on engagement rather than follower count, meaning even small businesses can achieve massive reach with the right content.

E-commerce is another area where TikTok is excelling. The platform’s integration with e-commerce tools and features like TikTok Shopping allows businesses to seamlessly turn engagement into conversions. TikTok is positioning itself as a major player in the social commerce space, and small businesses can benefit from this growing trend.

TikTok’s Growing Potential for Small Businesses

TikTok is no longer just a platform for viral dances and comedic sketches. It’s a diverse and powerful tool that offers businesses—both big and small—a unique way to connect with audiences, showcase their brand personality, and even drive sales. The myths around TikTok being just for the young or challenging for business growth are being dismantled as more companies find success on the platform.

If your business hasn’t explored TikTok yet, now is the time to consider how it can fit into your social media strategy. With features that support longer content, enhanced SEO opportunities, and a growing ecosystem for e-commerce, TikTok provides a flexible space for creativity and business growth.

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