Social Media Marketers Insights Survey 2024: What Are the Habits of Social Media Marketers in 2024 Compared to 2021?

In 2021, we conducted a significant survey to explore the habits, preferences, and strategies of social media marketers. The response was remarkable, with 593 participants offering valuable insights into the industry. Now, three years later, we're launching the Social Media Marketers Insights Survey 2024, aiming to compare and contrast the current landscape with the findings from 2021.

This report revisits the key data from 2021 and invites you, as a social media marketer, to reflect on whether these trends still resonate with your experiences today. We’re keen to explore what has changed in the world of social media marketing and how your habits have evolved. By participating in the 2024 survey, you’ll also have the chance to win a Polaroid Now+ Generation 2 Gift Set worth £150.

Key Findings from 2021

1. Platform Preferences

In 2021, Instagram was the preferred platform for connecting with audiences, followed closely by Twitter. The emphasis on visual content and real-time interaction made these platforms a staple for many marketers.

Do these platforms still dominate your strategy in 2024, or have emerging platforms like TikTok gained more prominence? The new survey will reveal whether Instagram and Twitter have maintained their top spots or if newer platforms have shifted the balance.

2. Time Spent on Social Media

A significant number of marketers in 2021 spent 2-4 hours on social media daily, with some reporting they were almost constantly online. This highlights the time-intensive nature of social media management.

Has the time you dedicate to social media increased or decreased? We’re interested to see if advances in tools and automation have reduced the hands-on time required, or if engagement demands have kept time investment high.

3. Communication Channels

For communicating brand updates, Instagram posts and tweets were the most favoured methods, reflecting the importance of short, engaging content.

Have you shifted your communication strategy towards video, stories, or live streams? With changes in audience preferences, it will be fascinating to see if the balance has tipped towards more dynamic content forms in 2024.

4. Learning and Development

In 2021, marketers sought to enhance their skills through online courses and how-to articles. The focus was on practical, self-paced learning that could be immediately applied to their work.

Have your learning preferences evolved? As we enter 2024, we’re curious to know if newer forms of education, such as AI-driven insights or immersive experiences, have become more prevalent.

5. Success Metrics

Engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares, were the primary indicators of a post’s success in 2021. This focus on interaction underscored the importance of building a community rather than just increasing reach.

Do engagement metrics still hold the same weight for you in 2024, or have you transitioned to more sophisticated measures like audience sentiment or ROI? The results of this year's survey will provide insight into how success is being defined today.

6. Work-Life Balance

The ideal working model for many in 2021 was a hybrid setup, with 3 days from home and 2 days in the office. Flexibility and balance were critical for productivity and well-being.

Has your ideal work arrangement changed? With shifts in workplace norms and the continued evolution of remote work, this will be a key area of focus in our 2024 survey.

7. Skills and Competencies

Marketers in 2021 identified content creation and analytics as their strongest skills, reflecting the dual importance of creativity and data-driven strategy.

Are these still your top skills in 2024, or have others, like AI integration or advanced content personalisation, become more essential? We’re excited to discover how the skill sets of social media professionals have adapted to the demands of the industry.

8. Staying Updated

In 2021, a large majority of respondents expressed a strong interest in staying up to date with the latest trends and news in social media.

Are you still as committed to staying informed, and what are your go-to sources now? With the rapid pace of change in the industry, staying current is more crucial than ever.

The 2024 Survey: An Invitation to Reflect and Participate

The Social Media Marketers Insights Survey 2024 is your opportunity to reflect on your journey over the past three years and share how your habits, tools, and strategies have evolved. Do the 2021 findings still resonate with your experience, or have things changed dramatically for you?

By participating in the 2024 survey, you’ll not only contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the industry's current state but also stand a chance to win a Polaroid Now+ Generation 2 Gift Set worth £150. (UK Residents Only)


The social media landscape has undoubtedly changed since 2021, and your insights are invaluable in helping us understand those shifts. We hope this reflection on the 2021 survey has sparked your curiosity, and we look forward to your contributions to the Social Media Marketers Insights Survey 2024.

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