Q&A with Martyn Sibley

The countdown is on to SocialDay Festival 2021: the event helping social media marketers do their jobs better. We’ve been working on an incredible line-up this year, with speakers from the major social media platforms, biggest brands and most up-and-coming agencies.

One of these speakers is none other than Martyn Sibley, Co-Founder and CEO of Purple Goat Agency. Martyn has a vision for a fully inclusive world. His content, community and businesses all sit at the cross section of entrepreneurship, social media marketing and disability inclusion. At SocialDay 2021, Martyn will share his incredible personal journey, as well as insights into how brands can grow through accessibility, inclusion and representation of all 1.3 billion disabled people globally.

First though, we thought we’d let you get to know Martyn a little better with this Q&A with SocialDay!

Hi Martyn! First of all, what inspired you to co-found Purple Goat Agency?

My lived experience of being disabled, my professional passion for a truly accessible world, and my belief that brands have the power to make real social change while making more profit.

If you had to describe yourself using 3 emojis what would they be?


What’s the best part about running Purple Goat Agency?

The variety. Every day I'm talking to brands in different industries. I'm managing a team of amazing talent. We're contracting brilliant disabled influencers. Plus I get to create content and judge awards with your good selves!

You’ve been doing so much amazing work, but what’s been your absolute favourite marketing campaign of the last year?

Our Tesco campaign showcasing the importance of Changing Places toilets was extremely successful. Both for the Tesco brand (as proved in our Nielsen study) and for the disabled influencers and disabled consumers alike.

What are 3 key takeaways people will get from your SocialDay session?

People will enjoy my personal story of achieving independence with a disability to travel the world and become a successful entrepreneur. Moreover, people will learn about the surprising disability market statistics and large 'purple pound'. Most of all, we'll have fun and start a much needed conversation that helps everyone in the world.

What are you most looking forward to at SocialDay 2021?

Meeting great people who are passionate about brand marketing and making the world a better place.

Thanks so much Martyn. If you’re as excited about learning the power of the ‘purple pound’ as we are, make sure to book your ticket to SocialDay Festival 2021 now - before they sell out!

Get warmed up for SocialDay with our 2020 talks…


What Is Discord? A Beginner's Guide


How to Make Your Social Media Content Accessible