Q&A with Shannon Walker
This week in our series of Q&As with SocialDay, we’re speaking to Shannon Walker, Founder of digital PR and brand storytelling consultancy Social Disruption. Shannon is a specialist in transformative communications that empower change for the collective good using community building and inspiring creative solutions. She worked in the comms industry for 8 years leading creative digital PR campaigns for iconic luxury brands before founding Social Disruption, which she now uses to help brands create more culturally rich and purposeful comms.
Shannon speaking on stage in 2021
At SocialDay 2021, Shannon will be hosting the Understanding Language, Culture and Inclusivity in 2021 panel, where she’ll tackle questions including:
What can brands do to ensure they're using appropriate, culturally sensitive language to build inclusive comms and speak to a diverse audience?
Should brands speak out about cultural movements/significant moments for POC and marginalised communities? Is there truth to the saying "there's a time and a place" in the context of diversity and inclusivity in social media marketing?
How can marketers create communications and campaigns that are more accessible to people with disabilities?
Until then though, we thought we’d let you get to know Shannon a little better with this Q&A with SocialDay!
Hi Shannon! You’ve been doing some fantastic work over the last year. So first off, what inspired you to start Social Disruption?
Frustration and a desire to disrupt positive change in the industry inspired the launch of Social Disruption. I wanted more purpose through my profession and to help brands create “people first” communications where purpose, diversity and inclusivity were at the forefront. Social Media and communication are one of the most inspiring industries to work in. Marketeers carry a lot of power in our hands by crafting narratives, representations and ideologies that are sold to consumers. Therefore I've always felt the industry could do better in representing a diversity of people, especially (particularly underrepresented groups and ethnicities) throughout the creative process and craft communications that leave people feeling empowered rather than lacking.
What's the most exciting part about working in and around the social media industry?
The fast paced and dynamic nature of the industry forces you to always be switched on and on your toes. I love the community and creative aspect of social media - it’s incredibly rewarding to help brands foster relationships, elevate their storytelling on different social platforms, and partner with digital storytellers to bring alive brand messages.
And what’s been the biggest lesson you've learnt during your digital career?
Never stop learning! (Especially when you're around people who tell you social media and influencers will die out soon 🥴)
What are 3 key questions people will have answered from your SocialDay panel?
How to create communications and campaigns that are more accessible to people with disabilities (such as visual, hearing, cognitive and speech impairments);
How brands can make a meaningful difference in the communities they want to reach without appearing to only include minority communities for commercial purposes;
And how better to use language to [cater to] different groups of people as well as build inclusive comms.
What are you most looking forward to at SocialDay 2021?
I’m genuinely excited to be in a room full of creative minds as it’s been so long since I’ve attended an in person event. I look forward to chatting away with a mocktail in hand and attending the inspiring conversations taking place.
And finally, if you had to describe yourself using 3 emojis what would they be?
Thanks so much Shannon!
If you’d like to hear more from Shannon and our other incredible panellists on the incredibly important topics above, book your ticket to SocialDay’s 2021 festival now!