Will SocialDay 2020 be going ahead? Covid-19 update

SocialDay COVID-19 Update 

Will SocialDay be going ahead?

Yes, we are, following the Government guidelines and the stance of β€œBusiness as usual” 

To keep delegates safe and following the guidelines set out by the WHO we will be ensuring that hygiene is a top priority to keep you safe. We have worked alongside the venue to ensure that:

  • Hand sanitisers are available at key points across the venue. 

  • The venue team will ensure that bins are frequently emptied 

  • Surfaces such as door handles, tables and counters are sanitised regularly throughout the conference.  

  • Toilet paper will be available! 😬

Hygiene is paramount to keeping our guests and speakers safe. 

We also have several networking events for each evening of the event, all of the venues that are used have put in place similar policies to safeguard guests. This will include ensuring that the venues are clean, toilets and washroom facilities are fully stocked with hand sanitiser. 

What happens if the Government stop events?

If the option to put the event on is taken out of our hands and the government stop large gatherings we have put in place a contingency plan to postpone SocialDay2020 to later in the year. 

We will not cancel the event, we would simply postpone to later in the year

Our venue and suppliers are prepared to move the date to later in the year at a point when any restrictions are lifted.  

Your ticket will automatically be transferred to the new date, this will be issued automatically to you and you will not be required to do anything. If we have to initiate postponing the event we will ensure that you are made aware of dates at the earliest possible time and that new timescales are reasonable to make new arrangements with speakers and suppliers. 

If the Government implement these measures you should have the option to reschedule your travel and accommodation if you have booked it as it is out of your control (Check with your travel and hotel suppliers) 

We look forward to welcoming you to SocialDay2020 on the 12th -14th May, if you have any questions then please get in touch with Myself or the team 


Stuart Hall 



SocialDay event update - Event Date Change Announcement


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