Aiden McGivern - Taking Social Media by Storm

Aiden McGivern discussed how to leverage social media for effective engagement.

Aiden shared his experience in using long-form and short-form video to build an audience, while also highlighting the Met Office's approach on TikTok.

The session explored the success the Met Office had in optimizing their YouTube channel through engaging with their audience and experimenting with different formats. Aiden emphasized authenticity and consistency, while sharing his team's content operating model.

Here’s what you can learn:

1 Leveraging social media for weather forecasts, with a focus on the Met Office's presence on TikTok. Aiden discussed how the Met Office creates engaging content on social media to help people stay safe and thrive.

2 Increasing YouTube reach through engaging content and analytics and how this was delivered by implementing a successful YouTube format by analyzing audience engagement. Increased engagement and revenue on YouTube by providing detailed weather forecasts and advice.

3 The Met Office found success on TikTok by using storytelling, getting straight to the point, and experimenting with different content formats. The organization noticed a significant increase in views and engagement when they posted videos about weather events, such as storms and heatwaves. Aiden shares insights on creating engaging content for social media platforms.


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