SocialDay: A Digital Success Story

If you’re anything like the SocialDay team, you’ll definitely be feeling the SocialDay blues right now. After months of innovation, deliberation and preparation, we brought our three day social media marketing festival to your screens for the first time. And it’s safe to say that #SocialDay20 was a huge success.

To make the SocialDay buzz last just that little bit longer, we’ve put together a list of what made this year’s SocialDay so unique, so special, and so truly revolutionary.

Fantastic Speakers & Engaging Sessions

We worked tirelessly to bring you the very best speakers from some of the biggest brands in social media marketing. From Coca-Cola to Twitter, Snapchat to WWF...SocialDay pulled out all the stops to deliver exclusive and unique content to our attendees. We diversified our content to bring you expert sessions on behavioural psychology, Gen Z marketing, consumer retention, data analysis, content creation, and so much more.

And one thing’s for certain: our delegates loved the content as much as we did! The reaction to our speaker sessions has already been incredible. People can’t wait to get back onto the app to rewatch their favourite sessions and the ones they might have missed (we had so much great content, we had to have 2 streams!).

You’ll be able to access all of the content from SocialDay via the app from the 11th September.

Unique Sponsored Content

Our amazing sponsors worked with the SocialDay team to produce some super fun activities for our delegates to engage with across the three days. These sessions included cocktail making with Agorapulse, quizzes with, networking booths with Talkwalker, and so much more!

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Relaxed Connecting & Networking

Our one-of-a-kind app allowed you to chat, connect and network with fellow delegates and speakers in a relaxed, cooperative space. Users discussed their favourite sessions, received updates from the SocialDay team, and asked all of their burning questions (which our fantastic speakers were more than happy to answer). Our sponsors also hosted networking booths so that users had a chance to ask the experts their questions one-on-one. Now that’s value for money!

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Crazy Social Media Engagement

SocialDay attendees completely blew up our social media! Our hashtag #SocialDay20 went crazy as users watched and engaged with all of the live sessions and events. The SocialDay team watched along with them, replying to their comments and discussing all of the best bits. Everyone also took to Instagram and Twitter to show off their swag bag goodies (which included Twitter socks, Snapchat flip flops and SocialDay tees) and give their much-valued feedback.

Our sponsor Talkwalker monitored the #SocialDay20 hashtag and here is that report.

A Revolutionary Online Experience

Overall, SocialDay was a massive success story. Both attendees and speakers were blown away by our bespoke app, our helpful and welcoming team, and of course the top quality content we delivered. 

We contributed to our goal of revolutionizing the way online events are delivered. Let’s be honest, there was no way SocialDay was ever going to be just another boring Zoom conference!

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We’ll be delving deeper into our team’s work in a range of articles and case studies, so make sure to keep an eye on the SocialDay website and our partner company Avviso Media Ltd’s website for more.

On one final note, we want to thank everyone who joined us at SocialDay this year, including our brilliant sponsors, speakers and delegates, to make this online event so incredibly special. 

We’ll see you all in 2021, SocialDayers!

Emily Watson

Emily is the content editor at SocialDay

How to Create Winning Social Media Content


#SocialDay20 Wrap-Up: What Does the Data Show?