Social Media News Roundup 31.10.18

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Zuckerberg says the future is sharing via 100B messages & 1B Stories/day

The News Feed won’t sustain Facebook  forever, and that’s scaring investors. Today on Facebook’s earnings call, Mark Zuckerberg stressed that sharing is shifting to private chat, where people send 100 billion messages per day on Facebook’s family of apps, and Stories (TechCrunch)

Twitter Releases Data on Usage Trends Since the Change to 280 Characters

When Twitter first announced that it was considering switching from 140 characters per tweet to 280 characters instead, users immediately expressed a mixture of outrage and confusion. (SMT)

Facebook daily visits growth slows as sales miss forecasts

Facebook's user growth has slowed and its revenue has missed forecasts, according to the firm's latest results. An average of 1.49 billion people used Facebook's social network on a daily basis in September, up 9% on last year but below expectations of 1.51 billion. (BBC)

Facebook's Testing Another New Stories Layout as it Continues to Push Usage

Facebook's latest effort to 'make Stories happen' on its main platform involves another new layout test, this time with Stories taking up pretty much all the top of screen real estate - front and centre when you open the app. (SMT)

Snapchat attempts to lure back users with launch of UK shows

Snapchat is attempting to win over new audiences with the launch of British shows and docuseries in the UK (Telegraph)

Snapchat lures back alcohol brands

About a year ago, alcohol brands said they were reluctant to spend money on Snapchat because they could not verify ads were only being served to people of legal drinking age. The issue came to a head in January, when Diageo pulled all spend from Snapchat when its ads were being seen by kids and teenagers. (DigiDay)

How Puma is shaking up its media strategy

Puma is rethinking how it buys media so that its buying power is no longer defined just by the amount of ads it buys but by relationships with media owners. Consequently, the advertiser is moving its $120 million media budget Publicis to Havas. (DigiDay)


Social Media News Roundup 1.11.18


Social Media News Roundup 30.10.18