Social Media Daily News Roundup 14.12.18
Tumblr’s back in the App Store following porn ban announcement
Tumblr is back. Sort of. The social blogging platform reappeared on Apple’s App Store this week, some three weeks after being pulled over child pornography concerns. Ten days ago, the company adopted a scorched earth response to the issue, announcing a blanket ban on adult material as part of a “better, more positive Tumblr.” (TechCrunch)
I Visited Facebook’s 'Privacy Shop' And They Still Don’t Get It
Amid the festive stalls selling holiday trinkets and tourists ice skating in Bryant Park is a small Facebook pop-up shop selling customers on the idea that the social media giant is a safe and secure platform. (Toms Guide)
Snapchat’s UK General Manager to Headline Day 1 of SocialDay
Ed Couchman - Snapchats UK General Manager will be the Keynote for day one of SocialDay19, Ed will be taking us through what’s been happening and what the future holds for brands and agencies using the platform.
The secret lives of Instagram 'it' girls
There are certain people whose lives I frequently check in on – from ex-boyfriends (just to check they're still miserable without me, naturally) to old school friends who've suddenly got a husband, three kids and a labradoodle. And then there are Instagram's 'It' girls. (Cosmopolitan)
Pinterest Shared Its List of 100 Emerging Trends for 2019
Pinterest shared the 2019 version of its annual Pinterest 100 list, which highlights emerging trends on its platform for the coming year. More than 250 million monthly users come to Pinterest, with over 175 billion ideas saved to some 3 billion boards to date, a spokesperson said. (AdWeek)
Social Media Is Ruining Our Minds—It Also Might Save Them
THE INTERNET, YOU have undoubtedly heard, is bad for your brain. It can be especially damaging for those struggling with mental illness. Trolls are everywhere. Searching for information about your struggles may lead you into dark places. (Wired)